This our exam week,everyone was busy study and quite hard How about me?sure same here lo but i didn't study really hard la
Critical thinking-still quite ok
Account-didn't do exercise and practice at all
Managerial math-tml test,just read and view example no test to do
Management-not prepare yet,didn't go for lecture
Information System-didn touch at all,but course work get nice
So went to town cafe (24H) with da 'mumy' to study last midnite
Order one Kopi O bing with a double kaya butter toasted roti for supper first.
Kopi Ooooooooooo bing ji pui~(咖啡乌冰一杯~)
Mumy's Kopi O bing with Sky juice
[Black and White]
We plan to study till the next day 8am then fetch mumy go for her exam
Its quite boring there,but we 2 always make some joke to wake up ourself
Talking about funny thing,doing silly action,hear some story from mumy
In the end didn't read much thing from note :P
||Mambo Number5 Part||
I was too boring because i almost study finish my Managerial Math
maybe mumy also too boring
she trying to move her body when heard the music
That time the cafe just left we 2 customer still at there 'gao gao zhan' only
I said:"U dare to dance now?"
I take out my hp and start record her action.
Mumy said:"what u doing?Don't shoot me la. >.<"
but i still carry on with my video recording
starting she was nt dare to move..
BUT,after a while..... XD
Critical thinking-still quite ok
Account-didn't do exercise and practice at all
Managerial math-tml test,just read and view example no test to do
Management-not prepare yet,didn't go for lecture
Information System-didn touch at all,but course work get nice
So went to town cafe (24H) with da 'mumy' to study last midnite
Order one Kopi O bing with a double kaya butter toasted roti for supper first.
[Black and White]
We plan to study till the next day 8am then fetch mumy go for her exam
Its quite boring there,but we 2 always make some joke to wake up ourself
Talking about funny thing,doing silly action,hear some story from mumy
In the end didn't read much thing from note :P
||Mambo Number5 Part||
I was too boring because i almost study finish my Managerial Math
maybe mumy also too boring
she trying to move her body when heard the music
That time the cafe just left we 2 customer still at there 'gao gao zhan' only
I said:"U dare to dance now?"
I take out my hp and start record her action.
Mumy said:"what u doing?Don't shoot me la. >.<"
but i still carry on with my video recording
starting she was nt dare to move..
BUT,after a while..... XD
After we view bac the video,both of us keep laughing
she ask e to send the video to her
then she said:"U won't going to post the video de right?"
I said:"Why not?Sure i will.Wakaka XD"
mumy said:"U dare??!!I let u die~beat u er!!"
I said:"Same what,i didn't post u also always beat me de :P"
She replied:"u better don ah @.@"
Ps:Guys!!Remember to protect me ya!!I 牺牲小我,完成大我~~
We continue our study and have our breakst at there.
My is Ipoh 'ho fun'
Mumy de is curry mee
photo at mumy hp,take it later
Prepare to study lo~bb ya everyone
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